93180595 Requirements for articles formatting


 The article should correspond to the scientific subjects of the journal, be interesting to a fairly wide circle of the Russian scientific community. The material proposed for publication must be original, not previously published in other printed publications, written in the context of modern scientific literature and contain an obvious element of creating new knowledge.

The author is responsible for the accuracy of names, quotations, formulas and numbers reproduction.

The editorial board of the "Scientific Journal of the Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University" reserves the right to edit articles without changing the scientific content of the author's version.

Articles are subject to independent (internal) peer review.

Requirements for article formatting are given in accordance with GOST P 7.0.7–2021 “ARTICLES IN JOURNALS AND COLLECTED BOOKS. Publishing design" (скачать) 

1. At the top of the center of the page, the heading is indicated in capital letters:

- Ship power plants and their elements (main and auxiliary);
- Fisheries, aquaculture and industrial fisheries;
- Food systems;
- Biotechnology of food products and biologically active agents. 

2. Article type – scientific article, review article, editorial article, etc. indicate at the beginning of the article in a separate line on the left.

3. UDC index (left).

4. The list of authors in the format: "Name, patronymic, surname" (in full) is typed in semi-bold type. If the article has several authors, then the names of the authors are given in the sequence they have accepted. Information about the place of work (study), e-mail addresses, ORCID of the authors are indicated after the names of the authors on different lines and are associated with the names using superscript numbers 1). If the authors have the same place of work, study, then this information is given once. In the case when the author works (studies) in several organizations (institutions), information about each place of work (study) is indicated after the author's name on different lines and is associated with the name using superscript numbers.

After the list of authors, the following data are indicated:
- the full name of the institution (place of work);
- City, country;
- E-mail address.

The name of the organization (institution), division where the author works, is given without designating the organizational and legal form of the legal entity (FGBOU VO, FGBUN, OJSC, etc.).

5. Title of the article. The title of the article should be short (10-12 words). The heading is typed in bold letters in the center of the page. The first word of the title of the article is given with a capital letter, the rest of the words - with a lowercase letter (except for proper names, abbreviations, etc.). The use of abbreviations other than generally recognized ones is not allowed in the title. Do not put a full stop at the end of the title

6. Abstract (at least 150-250 words). Before the text, put the word "annotation" and highlight it in bold italics.

7. Key words (phrases) must correspond to the topic of the article and reflect its subject, terminological area. It is not recommended to use generalized and polysemantic words, as well as phrases containing participial phrases. The number of key words (phrases) should not be less than 3 and more than 15 words (phrases). They are given, preceded by the words "Key words", typed in bold italics, and separated from each other by commas. Don't put a full stop after the keywords.

8. Acknowledgments. After the keywords, if necessary, words of gratitude are given to organizations (institutions), supervisors and other persons who assisted in the preparation of the article, information about grants, funding for the preparation and publication of an article, projects, research projects, within the framework of or as a result of which article published.

9. The copyright protection mark is given in accordance with GOST R 7.01 at the bottom of the first page of the article, indicating the surname and initials of the author (s) or other rightholders and the year of publication of the article.


10. Heading – centered in capital letters:

11. Article type: Origrnal article

12. The title of the article - in the center of the page in bold type.

13. List of authors in the format "Name, initial, patronymic with a dot, surname" (Ivan I. Ivanov)

After the list of authors, the following data are indicated:
- the full name of the institution / place of work (Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries Universi-ty);
- city, country (Vladivostok, Russia);
- E-mail address.

14. Abstract (the first word Abstract is typed in bold italic type).

15. Keywords (the first word of Keywords is typed in bold italic type).

16. Acknowledgments (the first word of Acknowledgments is in bold italics).

17. THE TEXT OF THE ARTICLE must necessarily contain the following sections:
- Introduction
- Materials and Methods
- Results and its discussion
- Conclusion

18. List of sources. The list of non-textual bibliographic references is placed after the main text of the article with the preceding words “List of sources”. The list of bibliographic references includes records only for resources that are mentioned or cited in the main text of the article. The bibliographic record is compiled in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5. Bibliographic records in the list of out-of-text bibliographic references are numbered and placed in the order of citing sources in the text of the article, the source number is indicated in the text in square brackets [1, 2, 3] after the quotation.

19. The bibliographic list (if any) is placed after the list of sources preceded by the words “Bibliographic list”. It includes records on resources on the topic of the article, to which links are not given, as well as records on the works of persons to whom the article is dedicated. The entries in the bibliographic list are numbered and arranged in alphabetical or chronological order.

20. Information about the author (authors) - additional information about the author is given with the preceding words Information about the author (authors) at the end of the article after the List of sources (bibliographic list ) in Russian and English. Additional information about the author (s) may contain:

- academic degree,
- academic title,
- position (with the name of the organization and division),
- honorary title;
- membership in organizations and creative / trade unions;
- other than ORCID, author identification numbers.

21. Contribution of authors. Information about the contribution of each author, if the article has several authors, if necessary, is given in Russian and English at the end of the article after "Information about the authors". This information is preceded by the words "Contribution of the authors" - after the surname and initials of the author, his personal contribution to the writing of the article (idea, collection of material, processing of material, writing of the article, scientific editing of the text and etc.)

The editorial board is provided with:

An electronic version of the article in MS Word 7-10 on a flash drive or sent to the editorial office's email address (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). The article file should be named after the name of the first author - Petrov A.A.doc.

A printed copy of the article, strictly corresponding to the electronic version.

A covering letter addressed to the editor-in-chief on the letterhead of the sending organization about the possibility of publishing a scientific article in the collection of articles, signed by the head of the institution (certified by the seal) where the scientific work was prepared, or signed by his deputy (Dalrybvtuz employees do not need a covering letter).

Expert opinion on the possibility of publication in the open press with the official seal of the organization (download).

Copyright agreement for the article publication (for one author - download; for a group of authors - download).


The size of the article (including the list of references, tables and captions) should be from 5 to 12 pages; text - in A4 format; font name - Times New Roman; font size (point size) - 12 points; all margins should be 2 cm, indent (paragraph) - 1 cm, line spacing - single.

Type the text of the article without forced hyphenation, separate words within a paragraph with only one space. Avoid overloading articles with a large number of formulas, duplicating the same results in tables and graphs.

It is not recommended to use:
- spaces for alignment and formatting;
- numbered and bulleted lists created automatically using MS Word;
- diagrams, pictures, etc., created by means of MS Word (objects) - only images made in graphic editors can be inserted into the text of the article.

The borders of tables and figures must correspond to the parameters of the text margins. Mathematical and chemical formulas should be typed as one object in the Equation formula editor (MathType) or in the MS Word editor in size 12.

Formulas and equations are typed from a new line and numbered in parentheses at the end of the line.

Figures must be submitted in * .jpg, * .png or * .tiff format. The figure caption should consist of a number and a title (Figure 1.…). The text of the article must contain links to the figures presented. It is recommended to create graphs, diagrams, etc. in MS Excel or MS Graph programs. Tables should have titles and numbers in order. The text of the article should contain references to each table.

Since electronic versions of publications are processed in special programs for placement in various electronic library systems, mathematical symbols, formulas with superscripts and subscripts as well as letters of the Greek alphabet in article titles, abstracts and key words are displayed incorrectly. We kindly ask you to avoid using such symbols in the title, abstract and key words!

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