The "Scientific Journal of the Far East State Technical Fisheries University " is a peer-reviewed scientific and practical publication designed to publish the results of fundamental and applied scientific research in the field of biochemistry and biotechnology, ecology, fisheries and aquaculture, food and processing industries, mariculture, industrial fishing and water transport operation.
The "Scientific Journal of the Far East State Technical Fisheries University " is included in the List of peer-reviewed scientific publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of candidate of Sciences, for the degree of Doctor of Sciences should be published from 04/15/2024 in the following scientific specialties and their corresponding branches of science, in which academic degrees are awarded:
2.5.20. Ship power plants and their elements (main and auxiliary) (technical sciences),
4.2.6. Fisheries, aquaculture and industrial fisheries (biological sciences),
4.2.6. Fisheries, aquaculture and industrial fisheries (agricultural sciences),
4.2.6. Fisheries, aquaculture and industrial fisheries (technical sciences),
4.3.3. Food systems (technical sciences)
Editor-in-Chief – Yuri S. Klochkov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Tyumen Industrial University
Scientific editor – Olga I. Shestak, PhD in Historical Sciences, Head of the Scientific Department of the Far East State Technical Fisheries University, Vladivostok
Issues covered by the articles published in the journal correspond to the following branches of science:
2.5.20 Ship power plants and their elements (main and auxiliary) (Heading "Ship power plants and their elements (main and auxiliary)");
4.2.6 Fisheries, aquaculture and industrial fisheries (Heading "Fisheries, aquaculture and industrial fisheries");
4.3.3 Food systems (Heading "Food systems");
4.3.5 Biotechnology of food products and biologically active agents (Heading "Food systems")
5.6.1 National history (Heading "Questions of the history of the formation and development of the fisheries industry").
Articles in the Scientific Journal of the Far East State Technical Fisheries University are published on free of charge basis.
No more than two articles of one author as well as in co-authorship can be published in one issue of the journal.
The editorial council of the journal in its activities is guided by the provisions of the Chapter 70 "Copyright" of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the recommendations of the International Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) –
When citing and copying publications, a reference to the journal is required.
The founder of the journal is the Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Education "Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University".
Founder and publisher address: 52B Lugovaya Str., Vladivostok, 690087, Russia; E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Registration Certificate of Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media: Эл № ФС77-81684 dated August 6, 2021.
ISSN 2222-4661 (print)
ISSN 2713-3222 (on-line)
Publication language: Russian, English
Publication frequency: 4 times a year – March (№1), June (№2), September (№3), December (№4). Articles submission for the forthcoming issue closes on the 10th of journal issue month.
Subscription index (Catalogue of Federal Agency on Press and Mass Communications): 64553
The Scientific Journal of the Far East State Technical Fisheries University is presented in the following electronic libraries:
The Scientific Journal of the Far East State Technical Fisheries University was founded in 1996 and was originally published as a collection of scientific articles once a year. The founder, first scientific editor and chairman of the editorial board of the collection was E.M. Zhidkov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor. In later years, the Chairmen of the editorial board of the collection of scientific articles were O.P. Kovalev, T.M. Boytsova, I.S. Karpushin, E.N. Kim, V.D. Bogdanov. Within the period of 1996–2011 23 volumes of the collection Scientific Journal of the Far East State Technical Fisheries University were published.
In 2011 (starting from the 24th vol.) the collection was registered and published as a printed scientific journal (The mass media registration certificate: PI No. FS77-45533 dated June 16, 2011).
The Chief Editor of the updated edition was G.N. Kim, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Rector; Scientific Editor - V.D. Bogdanov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Vice-Rector for Research. A permanent editorial board of the journal was formed and scientific directions and sections of the journal were determined.
All issues of the Scientific Journal of the Far East State Technical Fisheries University, starting with vol. 24, are posted on the website of the journal and in the Scientific Electronic Library eLibrary.
The department of the university responsible for the publication of the Scientific Journal of the Far East State Technical Fisheries University is the Center for Publication Activity «Publishing House of the Far East State Technical Fisheries University». The main task of the Center is to prepare for printing and release educational, educational and methodological literature on the main professional educational programs and scientific literature to ensure the educational process and research work of the university. An important component of the work of the Dalrybvtuz Publishing House is the interaction with electronic library systems and databases, first of all - the Scientific Electronic Library (RSCI).
Publishing House of the Far East State Technical Fisheries University carries out activities in the following main areas:
- publication of educational and educational-methodical literature in printed and electronic forms for basic professional educational programs that meet the requirements of federal state educational standards;
- publication of scientific literature, including the journal Scientific Journal of the Far East State Technical Fisheries University in the interests of ensuring the educational process and research work of the university;
- popularization of the results of research work of the scientific and pedagogical staff of the University through the placement of scientific and educational publications in scientometric databases and electronic library systems;
- supervising the protection of the results of the university's intellectual activity;
- implementation of certain types of editorial and publishing activities and printing and duplicating work that generate income.
Information about the leaders:
Liudmila A. Kharitonova - Director of the Publishing House
Tamara V. Lomakina - Deputy Director, Editor-in-Chief of thePublishing House
Address: of. 210, 52B Lugovaya Str., Vladivostok, 690087, Russia.
tel .: +7 (423) 244-21-91
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.