93180595 Vol. 60. No 2. 2022

«Scientific Journal of the Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University». Vol. 60. No 2. 2022 – download pdf


Review article

New requirements for catering establishments

Elena V. Glebova1, Evgenia P. Lapteva2
 Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University, Vladivostok, Russia, 
PhD in Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Control of Technical Systems, SPIN-cod: 9540-4656, AuthorID: 740901, http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4366-3819
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

2 Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University, Vladivostok, Russia, 
PhD in Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Control of Technical Systems, AuthorID: 364951http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5360-5594
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Abstract. The activities of public catering enterprises are regulated by a large number of legal and regulatory documents that establish requirements for various aspects of the activities of these enterprises, while SanPin is one of the main documents. The paper analyzes the requirements of SanPiN 2.3/2.4.3590-20 and provides clarifications on its individual provisions.

Keywords:  sanitary norms, rules, requirements, enterprise, public catering, food products

© Glebova E.V., Lapteva E.P., 2022
For citation:  Glebova E.V., Lapteva E.P. New requirements for catering establishments. Scientific Journal of the Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University. 2022;60(2):6–12. (in Russ.).
The article was submitted 26.04.2022, approved after reviewing 06.05.2022, accepted for publication 21.06.2022.

Original article

On the normalization of the content of glycidyl esters of fatty acids and glycidol in food products

Antonida V. Chernova1, Lidia A. Doskach2
1, 2 Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University, Vladivostok, Russia, 
1 Senior Lecturer of the Department of Technical Systems Management, SPIN-code: 7330-0188, AuthorID: 1015935,
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2 Student of the STb-412 group, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Abstract. The article considers the problem of rationing the content of glycidyl esters of fatty acids and glycidol in food products. During the analysis of scientific research, a high degree of negative impact on the human body and the need to control this indicator was confirmed. The analysis of the regulatory documentation existing in the EAEU regulating the content of glycidol was carried out, and it was determined that the current state cannot fully ensure the safety of food products from glycyl esters of fatty acids and glycidol. It is necessary to introduce rationing of this indicator in TR CU 021/2011, as well as to carry out strict control and compliance by food producers with mandatory safety standards.

Keywords: glycidol, glycidyl esters, fatty acids, food products, technical regulations, regulatory documentation

© Chernova A.V., Doskach L.A., 2022
For citation:  Chernova A.V., Doskach L.A. On the normalization of the content of glycidyl esters of fatty acids and glycidol in food products. Scientific Journal of the Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University. 2022;60(2):13–22. (in Russ.).
The article was submitted 14.04.2022, approved after reviewing 05.05.2022, accepted for publication 21.06.2022.


Original article

Analysis of the development of squid in the Far Eastern fishery basin in 2017–2021

Nina S. Ivanko1, Svetlana V. Lisienko2
1, 2 Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University, Vladivostok, Russia, 
1 Senior Lecture of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, SPIN-cod: 6882-7377, AuthorID: 814886, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2 PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Industrial Fisheries, SPIN-cod: 6437-6364, AuthorID: 371990, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Abstract. Squid is an important fishing object for the Far Eastern fishery basin. Their commercial extraction (catch) is carried out in five fishing zones. The main volume of production falls on the North Kuril zone. Berryteuthis magister is being harvested in this zone, which is of significant commercial importance. However, there is an under–development of this object, as well as two other species of squid - Todarodes pacificus and Bartram. The five-year period of squid production from 2017 to 2021 is considered, the analysis of the work of the mining fleet for its extraction is carried out. During the period from 2017 to 2020, there was a positive trend in the development of squid and there was a significant increase in production by almost 30 thousand tons in the Far Eastern Basin, but in 2021 production volumes decreased significantly.

Keywords: multifactor analysis, Berryteuthis magister, Todarodes pacificus, mining vessels, weighted average daily catch

© Ivanko N.S., Lisienko S.V., 2022
For citation: Ivanko N.S., Lisienko S.V. Analysis of the development of squid in the Far Eastern fishery basin in 2017–2021. Scientific Journal of the Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University. 2022;60(2): 23–32. (in Russ.).
The article was submitted 02.06.2022, approved after reviewing 05.06.2022, accepted for publication 21.06.2022.

Original article

Comparative characteristic of biological indicators of plant and wild keta producers (Oncorhynchus keta) in the Poima River Basin (Seaside Region)

Inga V. Matrosova1, Ekaterina V. Romanek2
1, 2 Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University, Vladivostok, Russia 
1 PhD in Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Water Bioresources and Aquaculture, SPIN-code: 9383-3015, AuthorID: 198023, Scopus AuthorID: 14025605900, http://orcid.org/ 0000-0001-5316-4955, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2 Master,s degree student

Abstract. Some features of the biology of factory and wild keta producers (Oncorhynchus keta) in the Poima River basin (Primorsky Krai) according to data from 2018, 2019. The biological characteristics of factory and wild keta producers vary considerably: wild keta is characterized by lower weight and fertility compared to those of the factory keta.

Keywords:  River Poima, factory keta, wild ket, size, weight composition, age composition, sex ratio, gonad maturity, fertility, growth rate

Acknowledgements:  the authors express their gratitude to the employees of the Ryazan Experimental Production Plant (REPRZ) Primorsky branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Glavrybvod", who participated in the collection of material.

© Matrosova I.V., Romanek E.V., 2022
For citation: Matrosova I.V., Romanek E.V. Comparative characteristic of biological indicators of plant and wild keta producers (Oncorhynchus keta) in the Poima River Basin (Seaside Region). Scientific Journal of the Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University. 2022;60(2): 33–41. (in Russ.).
The article was submitted 10.06.2022, approved after reviewing 12.06.2022, accepted for publication 21.06.2022

Original article

Some biological characteristics of the silver carp of the Ilistaya and Belaya rivers (Primorsky Krai)

Inga V. Matrosova1, Galina G. Kalinina2
1, 2 Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University, Vladivostok, Russia 
1 PhD in Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Water Bioresources and Aquaculture, SPIN-code: 9383-3015, AuthorID: 198023, Scopus AuthorID: 14025605900, http://orcid.org/ 0000-0001-5316-4955, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2 PhD in Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Water Bioresources and Aquaculture

Abstract. In the process of work, the following were analyzed: the size, mass and age composition of silver crucian carp caught in 2019 in the Belaya and Ilistaya rivers. The characteristic of linear growth, sex ratio is given. The size composition of the silver carp in May 2019 was represented by individuals from 20.5 to 43.2 cm (32.6±0.6 cm) - the Ilistaya River, from 20 to 35 cm (24.8±0.1 cm) - the Belaya River. The mass composition in the Belaya River included fish from 130 to 575 g (230.7±4.0 g), in the Siltaya River the fish were somewhat larger in both average and limit parameters - from 145 to 1030 g (565.7±25.7 g). The age composition of the crucian carp in the Ilistaya River included 4 and 6–11 year olds, 9 and 10 years old predominated. In the Belaya River, 4–7 and 10 year olds were caught, the basis of the catch was formed by 5 and 6 year olds.

Keywords:  silver crucian carp, size-mass and age composition, growth rate, sex ratio, Belaya River, Ilistaya River

Acknowledgements:  the authors express their gratitude to the employees of the District Fish Protection Inspectorate of Spassk-Dalny who took part in the collection of the material.

© Matrosova I.V., Kalinins G.G., 2022
For citation:  Matrosova I.V., Kalinins G.G. Some biological characteristics of the silver carp of the Ilistaya and Belaya rivers (Primorsky Krai). Scientific Journal of the Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University. 2022;60(2): 42–48. (in Russ.).
The article was submitted 14.06.2022, approved after reviewing 16.06.2022, accepted for publication 21.06.2022


Original article

Analysis of the accident rate of the Russian Navy in the period 2016–2021

Dmitry K. Glazyk1, Zakhar A. Shcherban2
1, 2 Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University, Vladivostok, Russia 
1 PhD in Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of Department of Ship Power Plants, SPIN-code: 9586-2911, AuthorID: 695215; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2 Cadet of the SMs-412 group, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The human factor (BSF) is recognized as a key element responsible for the safety of life on board ships and a factor contributing to the majority of victims in the shipping sector. Safety at sea and safety of navigation can be improved by increasing attention to the human factor. At the next IMO Assembly (A.32) in December 2021, the strategic plan of the organization was updated, in particular in the direction of the Black Sea Fleet. Currently, it is included in the basic principles of the organization's strategic plan for the six-year period 2018 - 2023 (resolution A.1110(30)), which provides that the human factor will be taken into account when considering, developing and implementing new and existing requirements, including skills, education and training, as well as human capabilities, limitations and needs; and that IMO will take into account the needs and well-being of seafarers in all aspects of its work[1]. No previous IMO assembly was complete without consideration of issues on the Black Sea Fleet.

Keywords: emergency, accident, failure, ship, crew, human factor

© Glazyk D.K., Shcherban Z.A., 2022
For citation: Glazyk D.K., Shcherban Z.A. Analysis of the accident rate of the Russian Navy in the period 2016–2021. Scientific Journal of the Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University. 2022;60(2): 49–55. (in Russ.).
The article was submitted 04.05.2022, approved after reviewing 05.05.2022, accepted for publication 21.06.2022.

Original article

Analysis of the main power plants of longline vessels

Vladimir V. Manitsyn1, Anatoliy N. Sobolenko2
1 Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University, Vladivostok, Russia
2 Maritime State University named after admiral G. I. Nevelskoy, Vladivostok, Russia   
1 PhD in Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor, SPIN-code: 5430-1504, AuthorID: 814237, e-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2 Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, SPIN-code: 9772-5366, AuthorID: 439376; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

AbstractAll types of installations used on small and medium-tonnage longline vessels are identified, their advantages and disadvantages are shown, technical characteristics of longline vessels and their main power plants (MPP) are given, energy efficiency indicators are calculated and trends in their changes depending on the displacement of the vessel and the power of the main installation are determined. Recommendations are given when choosing the preferred MPP for a longline vessel.

Keywords:  longline vessel, main power plant, reverse gear, valogenerator, fixed pitch screw, adjustable pitch screw, energy efficiency coefficient

© Manitsyn V.V., Sobolenkob A.N., 2022
For citation: Manitsyn V.V., Sobolenkob A.N. Analysis of the main power plants of longline vessels. Scientific Journal of the Far Eastern State Technical Fisheries University. 2022;60(2): 56–68. (in Russ.).
The article was submitted 11.05.2022, approved after reviewing 14.05.2022, accepted for publication 21.06.2022.